Indian Rug

The Real Deal Authentic Navajo Native American Rug

This Navajo Wool Rug is a beautiful piece of history. Richard went to Globe, AZ recently to visit the Sleeping Beauty Mine. When he was done with his business there he stopped in every antique shop in town (there are about 50 now) until he found this exceptional old Navajo Rug. This vintage hand woven traditional rug is made entirely from genuine wool dyed with materials indigenous to the reservation. The golden color is derived from something and the brown most likely from onion skins. This is a tight, symmetrical rug with a warp of 6 strands/inch and about 14 wefts per linear inch. All of the wool for this rug has been hand carded, spun, and woven by a Navajo rug weaver. This gorgeous genuine Navajo rug is 40-1/2″ long by 30″ wide, or about 3-1/3 feet by 2-1/2 feet.